“The International Space Station crew members were in their sleep period at the time. All remain healthy and safe.” Decompression sickness, also known as the bends, typically occurs with ...
As such, the ISS operates on Coordinated Universal Time, UTC, also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). This puts NASA ...
Welcome to Insufficient Sleep Syndrome, or ISS. As a nation, we are not sleeping well. According to research published in 2023 by Nuffield Health, just 35 per cent of British adults get a 'good ...
This schedule includes designated time for work, exercise, leisure, and sleep. The ISS is a joint project involving space agencies from the United States (NASA), Russia (Roscosmos), Japan (JAXA ...
Node 2, Deck 5, ISS, LEO 51.603. Pettit explains how he arrived at this address in a recent blog post: My sleep station, a coffin-sized box, is located in the fifth deck space of Node 2.