To find some steadiness and organisation in chaotic life, humans usually find making lists of different things therapeutics, ...
Einstein and Mileva married in January 1903 and the last letter references her second pregnancy, a son named Hans Albert. He also mentions that Leiserl had been ill with scarlet fever, which ...
Born to Hermann Einstein (a featherbed salesman) and his wife Pauline in Ulm, Germany. Settles into a program of self-education at age 10 and begins reading as much about science as he can.
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, forever changed the landscape of science by introducing revolutionary concepts that shook our understanding of the physical world.
Liersel Einstein was the first child of Albert and his first wife ... would win would go into a savings account for their sons, Hans and Eduard. The money was eventually used to buy three houses ...