Halifax has a new transit boss for the first time in a decade and he's learning the system from the blue seats of a city bus.
While the Dartmouth ferry service, chartered in 1752, was the city’s first transit service, the earliest example of mass ...
DFDS and Irish Ferries do not take foot passengers; their business is shifting cars, coaches and trucks between the Kent port ...
The toll plazas on both bridges over Halifax Harbour will be torn down two weeks sooner than promised. Halifax Harbour ...
Here’s a look at major ferry and ship sinking disasters throughout history. This timeline is not-all inclusive; various incidents with at least 1,000 fatalities are listed. Death tolls vary by source.
Rail transit advocate says more highways not the solution to Halifax's traffic woes He also said the city should use the harbour in "much more interesting ways," like making the ferries free and ...
Meet the man with the most gruelling schedule in professional golf - Corey Shaun has status on both the DP World and Korn ...
I often make one of my columns into a call to action to travel each year because I believe getting out of our own space is an important and worthwhile activity. But the last time I wrote about travel ...
The PGA Tour has announced a huge pace of play overhaul that will include three major changes in a bid to combat the ...