A programme that tracks and monitors infectious diseases across the country has seen a steady rise in certain disease cases ...
It usually starts with bacteria responsible for strep throat or staph infection, or Haemophilus influenzae (pneumonia and meningitis). In general, peritonsillar abscesses take about two to eight days ...
So, what vaccines should we get as adults? There are a lot, but we will focus on adult respiratory illnesses since these have the highest impact on the adult population. Some vaccines are only ...
Clinical trials conducted in patients with CAP treated on an outpatient basis provide relevant data for clinicians dealing with management of this common serious infection. A number of trials have ...
Symptoms associated with pneumonia were documented at baseline and at follow-up visits. A general assessment was given and the number of days until improvement/cure were recorded by the attending ...
In adults, there are unexpected levels of pneumonia caused by flesh-eating superbug bacteria. “We’re seeing a lot of MRSA pneumonia and really bad MRSA pneumonia after influenza, so what we ...
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