Ahmedabad: An 85-year-old man has approached the Gujarat high court for the cancellation of a deed by which he gifted his ...
Palm Beach house on Kings Road near Trump's Mar-a-Lago fetches $14 million. It's the fifth property to sell in the security zone within three months.
I inherited half of mothers property after her partner died in 2023. She died 24 years ago. Will I face a capital gains tax ...
The following deed transactions were recorded in January 2025 in Wayne County: Daniel S. Dewolf, Estate of Daniel S. Dewolf, and Gregory Dewolf to Debora J. Hahn and Robert H. Hahn, Arcadia, $80,000.
Loans within families can offer better value to the borrower than going to the banks but make sure you follow the rules ...
When Tommy Ufland and Tori Olsen were trying to buy a single-family home in Santa Rosa two years ago, they kept losing out — usually to all-cash offers — even though they had offered way over asking ...
If he says, “It’s a gift. Split the house four ways,” take him at his ... to make a will or to set up a transfer-on-death deed. In the latter case, your four children would automatically ...
If you want to give the home away before you die, a legally binding agreement such as a deed of gift can be drawn up stating ...
The family of an eccentric "recluse" who signed over his £650,000 home to a waitress he met at his local cafe are suing in a ...
Some years ago, I purchased a home for myself and my two sons to live in. They have since grown up, and I’m now married again. I want to leave this home to my children as an inheritance. Am I obliged ...
Democrats missed their opportunity to make a serious statement at President Trump's State of the Union address.
Leaving a bad marriage isn't just emotionally difficult, it's financially daunting. When your relationship has become a ...