Dragon Ball’s worst jobbers, from Krillin to Piccolo, merely serve as a momentary distraction for the villain to make the ...
Dragon Ball has spawned many TV specials, from action-packed adventures to PSAs, and while some are canon, others reveal ...
It is best to pair him with "Hybrid Saiyans" or "Kamehameha" units like LR STR SSJ2 Gohan "Super Warrior Who Destroys All" Legendary Super Saiyan Broly is my favorite units as I always had a thing for ...
Following the events of the Android Saga in Dragon Ball Z, many believed Gohan would become the new face of the franchise and surpass his father, Goku. While the original plan of creator Akira ...
Would This New Form Be Super Saiyan 5? Super Saiyan has technically gone far beyond five different variations if you count all of the god forms seen later with Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan ...
To give you an example, Cooler was considered by many to be the best, but after a short while Beast Gohan was released and he took that spot. Then the newest character was released and so on. You get ...