Le cinéma François-Truffaut propose le 5e  volet du film des Tuche, God save the Tuche , qui sera projeté durant ce mois de ...
Un ouvrage vient de paraître, dédié aux seconds rôles dans la filmographie de François Truffaut. Plusieurs Thiernois y ...
L’anniversaire de François Truffaut appelle à se remémorer sa filmographie, particulièrement marquée par les aventures ...
There were many icons of the French New Wave, like Jean-Luc Godard and Agnes Varda, but then there were those vital figures ...
Gordon moved to Santa Cruz in 1977 as his father, Richard Gordon, became a professor of politics at UC Santa Cruz. The family ...
Some of the best times of my life’ were spent in the Department of Communication Studies, recalls award-winning film director ...
In a way, it was fitting that the last movie Roger Ebert ever reviewed found the legendary critic reflecting on the melancholy side of cinema.
It’s not easy to bring off such a psychologically complex story, and the director uses some interesting visual elements, ...
Certains projets de films chez de grands réalisateurs n'ont malheureusement jamais pu être menés à leurs termes. Parmi ...
Sorry, Baby” Eva Victor triumphs as the writer and star in her perfectly nuanced directorial debut “Sorry, Baby.” (Mia Cioffy Henry, provided by the Sundance Institute) Comedian Eva Victor can be ...