POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
Wearing the same socks repeatedly without changing or washing them might seem harmless, but it can have serious consequences ...
Athlete’s foot is a contagious fungal infection that primarily affects the spaces between the toes and the soles of the feet. In severe cases, it can also spread to the arches of the feet. If the ...
Carlton, Disney, and others can go for tens of thousands of dollars a night.
Another storm pushes through Northern California on Friday, bringing an additional 1 to 2 feet of snow to the high country.
How proud she would be! Latin America was represented by two other sites: the 125-foot-high statue of Christ the Redeemer that looks down on Rio de Janeiro from Mount Corcovado, and Machu Picchu ...
Lewis Hamilton said Thursday he was itching to get going during the "most exciting period of my life" at Ferrari, but ...
Leonard struggled most of the night, missing 12 of 18 shots before his game winner — the only shot he took in overtime.