All cat and dog owners in the UK have been warned flea infestations at this time of year “more common than many people realise”.
A dog that was orphaned when his owner died in a house fire has found a new lease on life thanks to some compassionate Gilmer ...
Seen fleas around the house? If you are looking for simple and effective ways to get rid of fleas in the house, you've come to the right place. Most flea infestations stem from pets, but ...
“Fleas can not only make your pet very irritated, but they can also invade your house and make family members feel itchy too.” There are 62 species of flea in the UK, the most common being the ...
Animal cruelty protestors gathered outside of a Lovingston courthouse on Wednesday, minutes before an animal seizure hearing in hopes that it would pressure the court to take a case seriously.
The body, which was decomposing and covered in fleas, had been wrapped in a blanket and placed in a box in the lounge. RSPCA Inspector Nadine Pengilly tracked Thompson down on January 26 last year.
"He was full of fleas and he had so much more going on than ... "He flies and does zoomies around the house. He plays with everybody and he can get on all the cat shelves," Griggs said.
It also kills adult fleas and prevents heartworm ... either on themselves or other treated dogs in the house. Children should not touch the application site for two hours after application.