2311 - Following the Tomled Incident, the Romulan Star Empire and Federation sign the Treaty of Algernon, which bars Starfleet from developing cloaking technology. (Star Trek: The Next Generation ...
In this exciting game, you will be thrown into a galaxy that is in turmoil. Winds of war are aloof as the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan forces are battling to decide who will be in charge of ...
The Punjab government has launched a project to provide assistive devices to differently-abled persons in the province. The submission of applications under the project has begun. Punjab Chief ...
Expertise Smart home devices, outdoors gadgets, smartphones, wearables, kid's tech, and some dabbling in 3D printing Credentials Covered the mobile and smart home tech space for the past five ...
Right now, creating a smart home is easier than ever, with thousands of devices selling the convenience of automation, voice control, and routine. These smart home devices have become more ...
No 10 indicated a security exemption had been granted for the account, and insisted the ban on TikTok on official devices which began in 2023 is still in place. The ban followed a review by Rishi ...
In less than a half year, over two-thirds of previously discoverable services and devices have vanished behind the ‘Great Firewall.’ Today, if you scanned and counted public-facing Russian servers and ...