Positive psychology research can help us lead better lives. Here are examples from studies on post-traumatic growth, ...
Positive affirmations can contribute to a healthier mindset by activating the brain's reward centers, enhancing self-worth, ...
For example ... Self-Leadership Model. The four phases of the model are Self, Outlook, Action and Reflection (SOAR). This model takes the fewest, most important knowledge and skills from each ...
For example ... Seligman later developed the concept of learned optimism: By explaining events to ourselves in a constructive manner and developing a positive internal dialogue, people can ...
All patrols are governed by five principles: planning, reconnaissance, security, control, and common sense (Training Circular (TC) 3-21.76, Ranger ...
The concept of a soulmate is that each partner has half a soul; when reunited with the other half, two halves become whole ...
Today, we’re diving into something that has become a buzzword in education but can be a nightmare for our kids with IEPs: ...
Legitimate intentions on the part of the spouses do not justify recourse to morally unacceptable means (for example ... of birth regulation based on self-observation and the use of infertile ...
Results: Positive component of Mental Health Literacy is considered one component of MHL, integrating positive mental health. The concept ... is an example of a borderline case, because John ...
An overview of the measurement tool and examples of possible questions is given in table 3. Self-management is a concept that is frequently used ... take responsibility for the care process; (3) have ...
Once you put aside the overgeneralized concept of self-esteem, you can find what’s really holding you back. Then you have a ...
Our annual Impact Report can be found online and in the Sunday newspaper. Our aim is to gather in one place examples, large and small, of our work's impact, from righting wrongs, raising awareness ...