This resource is designed for psychology educators and students and can also be useful for those seeking care for themselves or family members. Materials in this package include background information ...
Addiction and mental health are deeply intertwined issues that affect millions of people in the United States. Understanding how they relate to one another is crucial for effective addiction treatment ...
4. Get some advice from a professional: Talk to your doctor or a mental health counselor for recommendations on how you can ...
Most Dutch people are waiting too long for psychological help. Statistics provided by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) ...
In its second season, "Wish You Knew" explores youth mental health among teenagers. And teens themselves create and edit the podcast.
Yoga has been found to physically alter your brain in ways which could bring a multitude of physical and mental health ...
There are a number of things that could help reduce these delays, so that people can get the help they need sooner.
Lee Barron (right) said help is out there for men suffering with their mental health Men ... plans to publish a men's health strategy to tackle "some of the biggest issues affecting men of all ...
“A substantial minority of people will experience acute mental health problems,” said Dana Rose Garfin, an associate professor who works at UCLA’s Center for Public Health & Disasters.