Vashishtha Narayan Singh, a mathematical prodigy from Bihar's Siwan district, secured research positions at IIT and UC Berkeley by the age of 21.
Emmy Noether showed that fundamental physical laws are just a consequence of simple symmetries. A century later, her insights ...
By observing tiny ripples in spacetime called "gravitational waves" that propagate away from colliding black holes, ...
A new study published in Scientific Reports simulates particle creation in an expanding universe using IBM quantum computers, ...
A 68-million-year-old skull fossil found in Antarctica has revealed the oldest known modern bird, which was likely related to ...
Autism is one of those topics that need to be addressed more often. Here are some famous people who are autistic ...
With his fake tan, bleached hair and unsubstantiated claims about immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, “eating cats and dogs”, it ...
New details have been discovered about M87*, the first black hole ever photographed, revealing its plasma, its brightness and ...
Fans of Scientific American might have hoped that activist journalism would leave the magazine along with former editor Laura ...
This past weekend my partner and I got together with a group of friends. We’ve been meeting every six weeks or so since 1982.
O n a freezing night in January, several hundred people came to Boston’s Museum of Science for a town hall-style discussion ...