Wizards of the Coast has finally created a 3D virtual version of Dungeons and Dragons, and it would have been revolutionary - in 2020.
There are quite a few languages in Dungeons & Dragons' base game - here's everything you need to know about them.
I want to roll around in the new Dungeons and Dragons starter set’s maps, tokens, and power cards like Scrooge McDuck in his ...
There are 14 playable races to choose from in Battlezoo Ancestries: Living Legends; that's four more than what you'd find in ...
As silly as it sounds, these games help fill my cup. When I have had a long week or an especially stressful week, getting to go play these games with some of my favorite people is so much fun.
The seminal tabletop role-playing game’s first internally produced 3D virtual tabletop (VTT) app is finally live, and it ...
Here's a fresh batch of Dungeons & Dragons accessories including minis, battle maps and stationery that will enhance your next game session.
Just as the revised set makes it easier to make a character and play, it aims to democratize the role of DM by making that ...
If music is your passion, you can turn this hobby into a profitable side hustle by teaching music online or writing songs for ...
Sigil tries to recreate the experience of tabletop gaming without venturing too far into the realm of full-on video gaming.
Main St. New this year, the event begins at 7 p.m. Friday, March 21, with the opportunity to watch Theater Geeks, Dweebs and Weirdos playing a live game of “Dungeons & Dragons.” According to a ...