No one is more responsible for this sense of novelty than Star Trek’s creator, Gene Roddenberry, whose posthumous reputation more closely resembles that of a religious figure than a Hollywood ...
In The Original Series, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise regularly drank coffee from grey cups. In one of the most famous ...
But there is one place where we can see Gene Roddenberry’s vision of the Star Trek future unfettered and unfiltered: Star Trek The Motion Picture – A novel by Gene Roddenberry, to give it its ...
The Cruise, fans sail with series actors, attend immersive experiences, and transform a cruise into a floating sci-fi utopia.
At last, a Trek themed mug for a drink that deserves it. The Star Trek replica drink receptacle ... an official recreation of the glass cup Picard famously drank tea from across The Next ...
Star Trek legend George, 87, wrote: “We have lost one of the true giants of the screen. “Gene Hackman could play anyone, and you could feel a whole life behind it. “He could be everyone and ...
Gene Winfield, a pioneering legend in the hot-rod world who created custom cars for numerous films and TV shows including Blade Runner, the original Star Trek series, RoboCop, Get Smart!