Ainsley Dircks had 17 points and Maggie Spehr added 13 points to lead Cold Spring Harbor after their month hiatus.
Early spring like March and April is the time to plant perennials like forsythias, daffodils and pansies. But gardeners ...
We officially usher in the start of spring Thursday morning. And it doesn’t take long for the showers to follow. We’re ...
One minute you’re wearing boots, the next it’s flip-flops. You don’t get two or three months of a light jacket while admiring ...
The 2025 spring forecast for the mid-Hudson Valley includes temperature swings and even some snow. Here's what to expect.
The NWS' Climate Prediction Center forecasts temperatures and precipitation are likely to be above average for both spring and summer 2025. The Old Farmer's Almanac uses three disciplines to make its ...
As I write these lines, I feel the warm promise of spring in my heart. However, I don’t think that way because of a date on ...
Growing seeds indoors requires bottom heat until germination, followed by eight hours of light a day. Starting plants in milk jugs is nice for a new gardener, McCartney said, or someone who wants to ...
When to plant? With the start of spring just days away (5:01 am March 20th!), many gardening enthusiasts are gearing up for ...
Remember the key word here is average. We could easily have one bitterly cold spring month followed by two warmer-than-average months and the final three-month average would be a slightly above ...
Meteorological spring began on March 1 and includes the months of March, April and May. So yay, it's finally spring where we ...
Winter officially comes to a close later this week, even though we’ve been enjoying spring weather for much of March. It has ...