School profile information is based on government data. School information is provided by the government. This information relates to schools run by this school's state operating agency. Many ...
Despite achievements, the charter school sector has faced resistance from the New York’s Democratic-dominated establishment. The city cannot open any more charter schools because of a cap ...
Xavier Beckford, nicknamed “X,” a senior at Achievement First Brooklyn High School, hit a major milestone when he scored his ...
One of the approved Stamford schools is OLAM Public Charter School, run by Hebrew Public, which operates two schools in Brooklyn, one in Staten Island and another in Philadelphia. If it opens in ...
Gov. Kathy Hochul refused to advocate for an increase in charter schools in her $252 billion proposed budget, in what education-choice advocates say was ceding to the powerful teachers union ahead ...
School profile information is based on government data. School information is provided by the government. This information relates to schools run by this school's state operating agency. Many ...