The world of One Piece is absolutely massive, and fans know that there are many massive seas all across the planet. In fact, ...
A group of whale watchers, look in horror as a huge humpback whale emerges from the water and swallows two kayakers whole!
Watching phytoplankton illuminate the world's shores is an otherworldly experience. With a bit of luck and perseverance, ...
Blue Mind Theory describes the calming effects of being by water. As a travel writer, I traveled to Vancouver Island to ...
In the city that never sleeps, the power couple's bedroom color is an oasis of calm, perfect for restful slumber, we love the ...
A town that looks like something out of a postcard.  More information:Alert: this is how you can prevent an IRS embargo in ...
From the couch, the guitarist stood and said hi. He was tall, with a handsome, boyish Irish face and long brown hair. He said ...
Indian rower Anaya Prasad became the first woman of colour to finish one of the toughest open-water rowing competitions in ...
EDITOR: Socialism is Social Security, and everyone loves that. Socialism is paved roads, and everyone loves those; my grandpa ...
It’s manned by the famous chef Govind Armstrong and the menu offers a jam-packed selection of delicious foods. Pick and ...
One Piece world is named the Blue Planet, confirming existence of extraterrestrial life. Winged Races settled on Earth from ...