An ancient military tomb and graves from the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman periods have been discovered at Tell Ruwad Iskandar, ...
An official at Egypt's planning ministry told AFP the ... A massive concrete bridge now cuts through the cemetery, connecting ...
Archaeologists unearth a lost pharaoh’s tomb in Abydos, revealing insights into Egypt’s ancient dynastic past. #Egypt #Abydos ...
These more recent burials confirmed Saqqara was used as a cemetery for ... 15 miles southwest of Cairo. Google Translate was used to translate the Facebook post from Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism ...
It also adds new information to the kings of this dynasty and a deeper understanding of the complex political history of the Second Intermediate Period in Egypt. As for the discovery ... The site was ...
Despite having maintained the synagogue for years, Egypt’s few remaining Jews ... was discovered during excavations in a Cairo Jewish cemetery. But its contents were confiscated by officials ...