Oshpalo, a Bukharan dish that includes meat, carrots, and onions, this time in a version with ptitim that makes all the kids ...
What does Haqqoni tell us about the culture of Central Asia? And as the Bukharan Jewish population migrates across the world, what is becoming of the Haqqoni?
What does Haqqoni tell us about the culture of Central Asia? And as the Bukharan Jewish population migrates across the world, what is becoming of the Haqqoni? With thanks to Benjamin Yusupov and ...
Some smaller Jewish communities are known to preserve special customs and traditions. These include the Bukharan and Syrian Jews in Queens and Brooklyn, NY; Russian Jews in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, ...
Iraqi Jews dig into sambusak, a deep-fried dough filled with chickpeas, meat or cheese. And the Bukharan Jews from Central Asia enjoy kadoo bishak (recipe below), a savory triangular pastry filled ...