while a Brut Nature is ideal for appetizers, a Demi-Sec can be the perfect finishing touch for desserts. Classification of sparkling wines according to their sugar concentration: The terms that ...
Specifically, Champagne descriptors like Doux, Extra Dry, and Brut Nature all refer to the sugar levels in the wine, ranging from Brut Nature (zero dosage and very low sugar) to Doux, the sweetest.
A general term used to designate a relatively dry-finished Champagne or sparkling wine. In Champagne, the scale from driest to sweetest is: Brut Nature, Extra Brut, Brut, Extra-Dry (or Extra-Sec), Dry ...
A dry Champagne or sparkling wine. In Champagne, the scale from driest to sweetest is: Brut Nature, Extra Brut, Brut, Extra-Dry (or Extra-Sec), Dry (or Sec), Demi-Sec and Doux. In bottle-fermented ...