Blood tests showed elevated eosinophils, which can be a sign of a parasitic infection, among other things. They searched for ...
People are coming together to rally behind the family of a Pryor boy with a rare infection caused by a parasite called ...
But every so often, it’s an indicator of a much more nightmarish scenario: parasites setting up shop in your brain after previously incubating in rodents, slugs, and snails. This was ...
A painful burning sensation in a woman's legs turned out to be the result of a parasite burrowing into her brain, her doctors have revealed. The 30-year-old, from New England, likely contracted ...
A woman almost died after eating seafood contaminated with worms that burrowed in her brain. A woman almost died after eating ...
After a three-week-long vacation through Thailand, Japan and Hawaii, a 30-year-old woman learned she brought home an unwelcome souvenir, doctors said. When the woman first returne ...
Angiostrongylus cantonensis, a parasitic roundworm, was found in a woman’s brain after a long trip to Thailand, Japan and Hawaii, according to a case report. Centers for Disease Control and ...