Gardening expert Pim Dickson suggested that the "simplest solution" is to gather all of the slugs and snails in your garden ...
Slugs and snails are the bane of any budding gardener's life as they can devour cabbages and ruin your flower beds, but with ...
A thriving garden is more than just good soil and regular watering—it’s about strategic plant partnerships. Companion ...
Mosquitoes cause around a million deaths per year. So, scientists are coming up with genetic engineering techniques that ...
Did you know one of the best things you can do for future generations is to plant a native tree? There’s an old Chinese ...
Start with a cleanup of plant debris and weeds from last season, but take steps to ensure our native bee population isn’t disturbed.
Knowing how to recognize and deal with pests that are commonly found on lemon trees can help to ensure your plant thrives and ...
Fresh on your pizza, added to your favorite Italian and Southeastern Asian dishes, or made into pesto, it’s not surprising ...
– Paso Robles Recreation Services volunteers will host a free public workshop at the Uptown Family Park Community Garden on ...
Things You Should Never Put in Your Compost Pile Composting is an excellent way to reduce waste and create nutrient- ...
Incorporating various eco-friendly pest management strategies can encourage songbirds, beneficial insects and pollinators to ...
There are plenty of ways to keep yourself busy during the winter to improve your small ecosystem in the spring. Here's one that won't cost you a dime.