However, the expedition’s focus was not on researching the city’s rich Phoenician or Roman history, but on something much greater: the remains of Emperor Frederick I, known as Barbarossa. The ...
This German-army failure to defeat Soviet forces marked a crucial turning point in the war.
Juni 1941. Geblendet durch ihre bisherigen Erfolge überfallt die deutsche Wehrmacht die Sowjetunion. Hitler hofft, den Krieg bereits vor Wintereinbruch zu gewinnen, doch die Blitzkrieg-Strategie ...
Brutal Reality of Eastern Front Exposed by Lost German Diaries' On 22 June 1941, Hitler's Germany launched 'Operation Barbarossa', the attack of the Soviet Union, the largest invasion in military ...
David Barbarossa was the original drummer of new wave acts Adam And The Ants and Bow Wow Wow, which makes him the person who brought the big, stomping Burundi beat to post-punk England.
Ahead of the Suikoden 1 and 2 HD Remaster launch, Konami shared a trailer of Leknaat meeting Tir and art of Tir meeting Windy.