Here are some of the most iconic male vampires in anime, ranked. Black Blood Brothers is an anime where humankind and vampires have been allies for many years in pursuit of a common goal.
If you just finished and loved Chainsaw Man, these ten anime series should be next on your watchlist, because they are just ...
Many significant films and TV series, be it Hollywood or world cinema, surrounding the LGBTQ+ community have been produced.
Though history is full of harems, the realm of anime has its fair share. Whilst many franchises dial down the numbers to focus on exploring the characters and developing relationships, others just ...
While most bars may not be the place "where everybody knows your name," (Sounds kinda creepy, actually), you can get some ...
Gen Zers who grew up on children's shows are ripe targets ...
Enigma of Sépia large cast of parody characters inspired by notable anime characters became one of he game's strongest "features" to attract players, as The Gamer [3] tabloid wrote on February 3rd, ...