Detecting radiation is a fundamental necessity for national security, but doing so effectively and at a distance is a tall ...
When you think of a radiation detector, you’re probably thinking of a Geiger tube and its high voltage circuitry. That isn’t the only way to measure gamma radiation, though, and [Alan] has a ...
Researchers said alpha particles are promising therapies that target cancer while minimizing the damage to nearby healthy tissues.
Radiation detectors act as the "eyes" for ... allowing the detectors to achieve better than 0.5% resolution when detecting alpha particles. Additionally, the team introduced a new type of thermal ...
Windows 4,5 and 6 are of different metals (including lead and tin) allowing the detection ... with radiation are checked regularly. Inside the chamber, ionising radiations like Alpha and Beta ...
The ionising effect of radiation is used in the Geiger-Muller (GM) tube as a means of detecting the radiation ... shown in the following diagram. When alpha, beta or gamma radiation enters ...