Blue Diamond's new custom cruiser giant almond sets out to give away a million free samples in nationwide marketing blitz.
A Walmart was stunned to find that Great Value offers twice as much milk as other brands. But the farmer says it's justified.
There are two FDA-licensed camel dairies that meet standards for pasteurization. One is in Missouri and the other in Colorado. Others sell raw milk.
Oat milk’s mainstream moment has arrived, with Organic Valley launching oat creamers and Oatly partnering with Nespresso.
In our weekly column, Quick Bites, we round up the latest developments in the alt-protein and sustainable food industry.
The carnivore diet is all about consuming animal-based foods while eliminating plant-based ingredients. While many traditional diets include milk as a staple, not ...
The farm bill would also ban “the mislabeling of plant-based products as ‘milk’ or ‘meat.’ This presumably would cause those ...
Plant-based milks are expanding beyond conventional options like almond, soy and oat to novel ingredients, like pistachio and ...
The FDA defines a Class 1 recall as “a situation in which there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to a ...
The Municipality of Suhareka has called on farmers to take applications for milk subsidies to the Directorate of Agriculture and then submit them to the municipal administration. "Farmers of the ...
The dairy industry takes more of your money by erecting barriers to competition. Got rent-seeking?
If you have IBS, check the label to be sure the soy milk you purchase is made from soy protein extract. Almond milk is made by soaking almonds in water and then blending and straining out the solids.