Today, Greece’s landscapes are universally known; the immaculate white houses with their blue roofs are even one of the main ...
Ranges from 0 to 2. albedo_texture sampler2D The texture to be applied to the surface. albedo_texture_as_primary_color bool Controls the mixing behavior between the surface's texture and vertex colors ...
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b2pws1u018ulm" path="res://Textures/Stone tile/stone_tile_wall_nor_gl_1k.png" id="2_6sdfr"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D ...
The second recap film of season 1 of the anime TV series Overlord, covering episodes 8 to 13.
The monthly concentration images show a particular month's ice concentration with each 25 km data cell color-coded in shades of blue to white, where dark blue is zero percent ice (ocean) and white is ...