Thousands converted and were baptised, and the Christian faith continued to grow and expand from that point on. In Greek Orthodox doctrine, Pentecost was the fulfilment of Jesus’ mission on Earth and ...
The special security operation is targeting the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) militia, who are reportedly responsible for a series of cross-border criminal activities in the region. In a statement on ...
Jijjiirraan taphattootaa Amajjii kaleessa galgala xumurame. Arsenaal taphataa sarara duraa hin qabu waan taheef carraa kanatti fayyadamuun taphataa jabaa tokko mallatteessisa jedhamaa ture ...
Afan Valley Swimming Pool in Cymmer has become a vital community hub, providing group and one-to-one swimming lessons, family swims, and lane swimming seven days a week, with 36,000 visits recorded ...
Dureessi US fi bulchiinsa Tiraamp jalatti bu'a qabeessummaa dhaabbilee Federaalaa kan to'atu Eloon Maask ejensiin gargaarsaa guddicha biyyattii, USAIDn cufamuurratti Pireezidant Doonaald Tiraamp ...
The AFAN president pointed out that transportation costs were a key factor in the rising prices of food, urging the government to address fuel prices and invest more in infrastructure development.