Many of the animals died. Unfortunately, floating icebergs are an increasing problem. In 2023, iceberg A76 gave South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands a scare. The pieces were described in ...
Locals report, however, that icebergs are posing an increasing threat. In 2023, the A76 iceberg came close to grounding in South Georgia. Chunks of the ice that broke off still litter the island ...
A76 was a "gamechanger", according to Mr Newman ... The ship sailed into a crack in the iceberg's gigantic walls, and PhD researcher Laura Taylor collected precious water samples 400m away ...
The iceberg could ground against the island ... on occasion by larger but shorter-lived icebergs, like A68 in 2017 and A76 in 2021. Giant icebergs are expected to be a common feature shortly ...