When America's Founding Fathers affixed a bald eagle to the great seal of the United States in 1782, they likely had no idea they were highlighting what would become one of the greatest wildlife ...
His mother gave it to him, and he kept it, he flew with it the day-of — crashed with it. And thankfully, his mom got it back ...
Feb. 15, 1985 The Vail Town Council was investigating the feasibility of buying a controlling interest in Vail Associates, the Vail Trail reported. The proposal, prompted by reports that Vail ...
“For nearly 250 years, we called the bald eagle the national bird when it wasn’t,” said Jack Davis, co-chair of the National ...
Here, we have a collection of photos from keen-eyed snappers; all members of the Isle of Wight County Press Camera Club.
Looking for a way to get over your ex without causing a scene? This Valentine's Day, two local non-profits are offering unique psychological relief through giving.
New Jersey removed bald eagles from the state’s endangered species list, David Blauvelt of Hamburg, N.J., spotted one on his ...
Along the long road from American icon to endangered species and back again, the bald eagle — national bird of the United ...
BLM talks how they count the birds, how many are in Coeur d'Alene and where you can go to get the best pictures of these magnificent birds.
After running one of the most grueling stretches of the trail, mushers will rest at the town’s old schoolhouse.
Air Force engineers and archaeologists in Alaska have discovered a food cache on the Upper Cook Inlet southwest of Anchorage ...
The Alaska Gold Rush town of Nome was hundreds of miles from anywhere and under siege from a contagious disease known as the ...