Declining consumption is a problem for many fruits, which impacts industry and the nation’s health. Commodity groups and ...
An executive at a Washington company known for sliced fruit and an Oregon organic leader have joined the USDA’s Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee.
Sen. Jim Risch of Idaho and Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington are reviving efforts to protect the four lower Snake River dams with the Northwest Energy Security Act, to ensure the dams remain ...
"Shark Farmer" Rob Sharkey will speak to FFA members during the Spokane Ag Show. "I would love to leave a message that the hard things in your life, that you are going to experience no matter what, ...
Each year, selecting the recipient of the Excellence in Agriculture Award is a tough decision for Spokane Ag Show organizers. There's a lot of leaders to choose from, award committee chairman Tim Cobb ...
Washington wheat leaders will discuss USDA approval of a GMO drought-tolerant wheat trait and what it could mean for growers and markets worldwide during the Spokane Ag Show.
Art Douglas, professor emeritus of atmospheric sciences at Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., offers his annual forecast to Pacific Northwest farmers Feb. 6 during the Spokane Ag Show.
Washington State University small grains economist Randy Fortenbery will deliver his annual forecast during the Spokane Ag Show. "I tend to think we're sort of at the bottom end of the market, but ...
A House committee endorsed a bill giving workers on cannabis farms collective-bargaining rights, approving it after an ...
Oregon has continued losing farm and forest land despite statewide agriculture protections, spurring lawmakers to consider ...
President Trump declared a national energy emergency, signing an executive order promoting oil and natural gas development ...
President Donald Trump suspended the planned Lava Ridge wind project in a Jan. 20 executive order that drew praise from Sens.