Here you will find information on current vacancies at the Oberbergischer Kreis district police authority. The district police authority of the Oberbergischer Kreis currently has no vacancies.
Inter-agency operations are intended to improve the safety and quality of life of people in the Ruhr region. In various cities in NRW, particularly in the Ruhr region, there have often been violent ...
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110 Siegen-Wittgenstein On Site Crime Traffic Deployment Equipment Digitalization International affairs Public assemblies Weapons ...
Sometimes pictures say more than 1000 words. And we also have more than enough stories. Visit our colleagues on Instagram. Instagram users share their user profile pictures and communicate either via ...
"Akwaaba!" - How police training is building international bridges between Germany and Côte d'Ivoire
Two German trainers from LAFP NRW not only trained security forces in Abidjan, but also created a first for international cooperation. When Julia Mittrup and Alain Drüppel talk about their time in ...
The Police NRW take the protection of your personal data very seriously. The Police NRW take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Your personal data is processed in strict confidence ...
As an expression of freedom of opinion, public assemblies are under the special protection of the Basic Law. Nevertheless, they must be reported to the police. In addition to the right to freedom of ...
The State Office for Training, Further Education and Personnel Affairs (LAFP) NRW has developed a pioneering training course for training "eTrainers". The concept for digital trainer education is now ...
Verkehrsunfallstatistik 2024: Weniger Unfälle insgesamt, aber mehr Verletzte in Siegen-Wittgenstein. Trotz des Anstiegs der ...
Das Verkehrskommissariat Bad Berleburg hat die Ermittlungen übernommen und bittet Zeugen um Hinweise, insbesondere dazu wer das Fahrzeug geführt haben könnte, unter der Rufnummer 02751 909 – 0.
Die Kriminalstatistik für 2024 liegt vor – Für Siegen-Wittgenstein: Rückläufige Fallzahlen und die beste Aufklärungsquote in ...
Am Donnerstag (13.03.2025) sind Polizisten zu einem Autohandel in der Straße Auwiese in Kredenbach gerufen worden, weil es dort zu mehreren Diebstählen gekommen ist. Am Donnerstag (13.03.2025) sind ...
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