Scientists suspect lightweight dark matter might ionize hydrogen in the Milky Way’s core. This could also explain the 511-keV ...
There's a new twist in the hunt for dark matter, the invisible substance that makes up 85 percent of all the mass in the ...
The particles in question would have about a thousandth of the mass of WIMPS, one of the first proposed dark matter ...
Scientists searching for dark matter have made groundbreaking progress using new infrared spectrographic technology and the ...
A team led by a member of Tokyo Metropolitan University has made advances in the search for dark matter, observing galaxies ...
These ultra-cool clouds of boson particles may be the most feasible dark matter candidate yet. “The origin of dark matter in the universe is one of the biggest questions in science and one that ...
A strange energy source at the center of the Milky Way may be a new type of dark matter. Scientists found that hydrogen gas ...
A new study suggests that dark matter could be shaping cosmic chemistry, with a proposed self-annihilating dark matter ...
A new study suggests lighter dark matter particles may explain mysterious energy signals and ionised hydrogen clouds observed ... spoke to three scientists, cosmic detectives who are hot on the trail of dark matter candidates using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The question is how, even with its incredibly ...
According to a study published in Physical Review Letters, a research team led by Shyam Balaji, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at King's College London, suggests that dark matter with a mass lower than ...
The team focused on a promising dark matter candidate, the axionlike particle (ALP), and considered how it “decays” and spontaneously emit light. Leading theoretical models make the near ...