The Governor’s executive order on Jan. 31 to maximize diversions form the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta has resulted in extremely high flows, plaguing anglers trying to stay on the bottom with up to ...
About 90% of people surveyed in low-income communities of color in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region reported that they ...
The goal is to upgrade the massive system that sends water to 27 million people, mostly in Southern California, and vast sprawls of farmland.
Probably the most controversial fish in this region, if not in California as a whole, is the Delta Smelt. The Delta smelt is the poster child of all that is wrong in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
The invasive marshland rodent is wreaking havoc but California residents can do their part by catching and eating them, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today proposed to designate ... Suisun Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. These encompass the most crucial habitats that provide the necessary water ...
The 1,760-square-mile San Joaquin River Basin that the San Joaquin River and its web of tributaries provides with snowmelt ...
Crews are now getting help from outside the state. The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy supplied an $11 million grant to bring in detection dogs from the East Coast. The dogs are experts at ...