I have been asked a few questions about Mercury Retrograde. Here are some answers to your most asked questions. Mercury ...
From an astrological point of view, there are hardly two words that elicit a stronger reaction than Mercury retrograde.
As the fastest-moving planet in our solar system, Mercury goes retrograde three to four times a year for about three weeks.
More than anything, however, Mercury retrograde can force you to deal with all the pesky details from your past—the ones ...
March is here, and Mercury goes retrograde from March 14 until April 7 — the retrograde begins as the full moon and ...
Mercury in Retrograde will be here to shake our worlds up from March 14 until April 7. And if you're wondering how it will impact you, astrologer Aliza Kelly reveals who will be affected the most.
Astrologers are warning we're in for some chaos with Mercury in retrograde coinciding with a lunar eclipse. Here's how to ...
From March 15 to April 7, embrace your life's healing process and keep communication gentle as Mercury moves into Aries, then ...
The first Mercury retrograde of 2025 is upon us. The planet of the mind and the mouth, thought and expression, Mercury begins ...