The risk for spring breakup across the state is largely dependent on location this year, due to variability in weather ...
The hydrokinetic turbine pilot project, scheduled to launch in June, is a partnership between the Native Village of Napaimute ...
The Kuskokwim River provides local Yup’ik ... Transport to the remote site, which is not connected to the Alaska highway system, would rely on a new 30-mile access road and a tripling of ...
Steven Smith, 58, has been charged with multiple felonies after Alaska State Troopers say they found cocaine and ...
A single-engine turboprop plane carrying nine passengers made an emergency landing after half the windshield blew out miles ...
The Sleetmute school, nestled on the upper reaches of the Kuskokwim River, amid the spruce and birch forest of Alaska’s Interior, has few options. Like many schools in Alaska, it’s owned by ...
Over the past 25 years, state officials have largely ignored hundreds of requests by rural school districts to fix the ...
The unpredictable availability of salmon and other fish is putting additional pressures on the subsistence rights of Alaska Natives.
Dog kennels, bottom center, dot the banks of the Kuskokwim River in the mushing hotbed of Akiachak, a Native village in Western Alaska. (Photo by Gabby Salgado&sol ...
Once one of the state's largest caribou herds, the low population of Southwest Alaska's Mulchatna herd has failed to recover. Researchers are working to understand why.