The FCC is circulating a proposal for new rules pertaining to amateur radio in the United States. In particular, they want to remove certain baud rate restrictions that have been in place since 1980.
What are ham radios? In short, ham radio operators are amateur radio enthusiasts who communicate with one another via radio frequencies assigned specifically to this community by the Federal ...
According to documents released through a public records request, Russ Pelleberg provided members of the general public with ...
At the same time as police, firefighters, and city officials sprang into action in the predawn hours of Tuesday’s destructive thunderstorms, so did a dedicated group of volunteers: amateur radio ...
Jan. 30—The Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society will present its Winter Hamfest 2025 from 9 a.m. to noon March 9 in the Reaser Grand Room of Lorain County Community College, 1005 N. Abbe Road in ...
An upcoming SkyWarn training sponsored by the North Country Amateur Radio Club has been postponed until sometime next year due administrative mandates from the U.S. Department of ...
At some point this year, visitors to the Children’s Museum will have an opportunity to speak to an astronaut — while he is up beyond the exosphere, residing in the International Space Station. The ...
Central Georgia Amateur Radio Club and the Middle Georgia Radio Association participated in the annual American Radio Relay League Field Day ...
Alan “Al” Andres, a member of the Williams County Amateur Radio Association, is looking forward to spreading the word about the value of amateur radio throughout the state in his new role as ...
As kids, many of us wanted to become astronauts, and now some local students are getting a close encounter with people who ...