Prescribed fire is used as a management tool for a number of reasons- fuel reduction for mitigating the impact of wild fires, habitat improvement for game and other species, and as a successional ...
The East Valley Fuels Reduction Project is located on the Swan ... of vegetation to reduce hazardous fuel loading within the wildland-urban interface (WUI) and restore resilient forested stands.
The Corps Members of the Year award honors young members who exemplify leadership and the spirit of service, demonstrating ...
Rapid City and Pennington County have several plans in place including the hazardous fuels reduction program and wildland ...
Soybeans are set to benefit from shifting biofuels tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act, with increased demand expected as fuel mandates grow. Enacted in August 2022, the Inflation ...
spoke on the Congressional floor stating, "If the United States Congress goes on record and says, 'Yes we are going to support more fossil fuel reduction, more carbon emissions,' the signal we are ...