Metro hospitals are being inundated with people suffering from broken bones, sprains ... day to provide warm place for anyone to stay Seek treatment for any serious injury, or an injury that ...
You may need a splint, cast, brace or sling to repair a broken bone but surgery may be required, depending on the severity of the fracture. Different bones need different treatment and are ...
The procedure, developed by orthopaedic surgeons, could also avoid scarring of the skin which is often the result of conventional broken bone surgery. In the new treatment, a device called a ...
Image caption, Thanks to Anne's pioneering work at the SRA, plaster casts are still used to treat broken bones today. Like papier maché it is lightweight and can be x-rayed. Although plaster of ...
What is a broken bone? A broken bone and a fracture are the same thing. The bone could be cracked, snapped, crushed or broken into a few pieces. No matter how the bone is broken, the first aid steps ...
Image caption, Thanks to Anne's pioneering work at the SRA, plaster casts are still used to treat broken bones today. Like papier maché it is lightweight and can be x-rayed. Although plaster of ...