One of the greatest joys of nature is that it is always showing you something new, if you are just willing to watch and listen. Thirty-one years of living in the same nature paradise has brought ...
Great horns are the largest owl in America that has ear tufts. The tall and puffy ear ... Sometimes they can be a bright shade of gray to nearly white. They have large, bright yellow eyes and ...
Come, look, quick. The two large, forward-facing yellow eyes with a white line above and between them, with no visible ears, confirmed that we’d found a burrowing owl. After a moment ...
The great horned owl is the most common owl of the Americas, easily recognizable because of the feather tufts on its head. These “plumicorns” resemble horns or, to some, catlike ears.
A barred owl made quite a stir in Arlington, Virginia, over the Christmas holiday. The bird evidently was playing Santa Claus ...
Like ghosts, barn owls are white for a reason ... it collects sounds and then channels them toward each of the bird’s two ears, positioned at different heights on the skull.