There are only two Voice-O-Graph recording booths left in the world. One is round at Jack White's house and the other is in Soho, London's Phonica Records for the next two weeks only. Voice-O ...
Writing a memoir was no laughing matter for Phil Hanley. Narrating the audiobook took 16 sessions, 64 hours and a supportive ...
CMCI-affiliated audio recording space, the audio booths are available through reservation and only for use by CMCI affiliates. The operating hours for the audio booth spaces are: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m ...
Like talking on the phone but a thousand times more thrilling,' voice recording booths invite you to 'hear yourself as others hear you' by entering a weird machine to cut a record. Once a ...
Actual voice records of Edwin F. Booth, the foremost American actor of the last century and said to be the greatest Hamlet of all time, have been salvaged for posterity largely through the work of ...
If you only had a minute to say something, what would you say? Janine H. Jones enters the voice recording booth to uncover how voices from the past challenge our airbrushed world. Show more 'Like ...