She fervently keeps her underground bunker well-stocked ... offered followers a peek into her 7-foot-deep shelter, which sits beneath her house, provoking awe among her audience.
The bunker is set to revolutionize how the rich and powerful can shelter themselves in an apocalyptic disaster.
The first location is expected to open in summer 2026 and will feature AI-powered medical suites, gourmet dining, swimming pools and wellness programs.
New 'Paradise' and other TV shows, movies build interesting worlds where an elite few find shelter after apocalypse.
Peeples, a science journalist and author of "The Inner Clock: Living in Sync With Our Circadian Rhythms," found an Airbnb in Arkansas that was once a bunker during the Cold War. "This guy had ...
And a vast underground bunker in case disaster strikes. ''The world's not becoming a safer place,'' he said. ''We wanted to be prepared.'' Under a nondescript ... they went house-hunting in ...
Stephanie Norman, who resides in the infamous 'Tornado Valley' of Oklahoma, USA, ensures she's ready annually, maintaining her underground ... the shelter. One person asked: "If your house ...