Thanks to a collaboration between amateur and professional astronomers, a new study reveals that Jupiter's clouds are not composed of ammonia ice, as long believed. This breakthrough, published in ...
"Jupiter continues to surprise." Orton says the belt may not be gone, just hidden under higher clouds. "It's possible," he said on the NASA website, "that some 'ammonia cirrus' has formed on top ...
So, trying to land on it would be like trying to land on a cloud here on Earth ... you're be traveling at 110,000 mph under the pull of Jupiter's gravity. But brace yourself.
Previous spacecraft found only a trace amount in Jupiter’s atmosphere, but scientists think they didn’t look deep enough. Juno carries an instrument that can pierce through thick clouds to ...
In the coming days, Juno will restart its instruments, but the real work won’t begin until late August when the spacecraft swings in within 5,000km of Jupiter’s clouds.
That suggests that helium was separating from the hydrogen, which becomes a liquid metal under these conditions ... 11,000 kilometers below the cloud tops of Jupiter, down to a depth of about ...