It connects those who have tefillin — leather straps attached to a set of two small boxes containing scripture on parchment — with Jews who need them for morning prayers or other rituals.
He agrees, we do tefillin together, take a picture,” Farro said in an interview, using the Hebrew word for the small black boxes observant Jews bind to their head and arm on weekdays ...
It's called tefillin, and each black box contains scrolls that must be written by hand. Now, demand for these prayer objects has soared since the war in Israel and Gaza that erupted on October 7 ...
He asked the man if he was Jewish (he was) and whether he wanted to wrap tefillin (“why not?”). After they wrapped, saying the blessing on each box followed by the Shema prayer, the man asked ...
Inside the Tefillin boxes, worn by observant male Jews over age 13, are parchments with verses from the Torah. Tiechtel is executive director of Lawrence’s Chabad Center for Jewish Life.
The tefillin is worn by Jewish men during morning prayer. The leather boxes usually contain scrolls of parchment with verses from the Torah Reform close Reform JewsJews who have adapted their laws ...