A couple hundred miles into Iditarod 53, rookies are getting a taste of The Last Great Race.Teams navigated through high ...
TOLOVANA ROADHOUSE — On the dark, frozen white plain of the Tanana River, a white dot appeared in the night. It was the ...
The Tolovana Roadhouse — built in 1924 and used to provide shelter during the Serum Run of 1925 — once again hosted mushers ...
The “tripod,” which is actually a “quadrupod,” is placed on the ice on the Tanana River, tethered to two onshore clocks.
No one can say Matthew Failor didn't warn them about the dangers of racing hundreds of miles along a frozen river.
Mushers at the Galena checkpoint were visibly weary Friday morning, with dark circles under their eyes and a shuffling gait.
As Seward musher Travis Beals parked his team, an Alaska Railroad horn echoed off nearby rock walls as it crossed the long ...
After years of hard work, Jessie Holmes wins his first Iditarod championship in a thrilling finish. His 10-dog team displayed ...
Jane Atkins The Nenana Ice Classic festival each year celebrates the end of winter by getting the town together in March to build a 30 foot wooden tripod on the icy Tanana River, and then getting ...
It takes a community to raise the Nenana Ice Classic Tripod every year — up to 20 people on each side, holding onto ropes to make sure the tripod is ...
Paige Drobny, bib #26, made history as the first musher to reach the Galena checkpoint in the 2025 Iditarod, earning the ...