Nobody should be fighting the battle of addiction by themselves alone. Overcoming addiction and maintaining long-term ...
The bill targets fentanyl-related substances, but illegally manufactured fentanyl is far more prevalent and kills more people ...
But as soon as he steps across the street to his outpatient addiction clinic, he complains, he is barred from doing so by federal regulations. Methadone rules are “very, very silly right now”, he ...
Podcast: Is there a single explanation that accounts for all addictive behaviors, or is the reality more complex? Under the Cortex explores.
There are early and suggestive data that GLP-1 drugs reduce alcohol cravings. A large cohort of people with alcohol use ...
An Alberta Crown corporation that studies addiction recommends that any involuntary treatment be done for longer time periods ...
When Kathleen McCarthy considers who would benefit from the bill she wrote, she specifically remembers her childhood friend ...
She fought to make the world better, “sharing her vulnerabilities to help others face theirs,” her family said in a statement ...
Americans continue to spend billions fighting homelessness, with unacceptable results. We need to reduce bureaucracy with a one-stop window providing caring results and ...
The Educational Support Center, a nonprofit organization that maintained an office in Casa de Oro, declared on its website ...