On and on through August 1914. The suffragettes torched the grandstand at Ayr racecourse. The Birmingham and Hampton Court boathouses. Destroyed the Birmingham tennis courts with acid. Burned the ...
However at the time suffragette violence had a very high profile and its ... Kitty Marion and Clara Givens burned down the pavilion of the Hurst Park racecourse in retaliation. Bombs and incendiary ...
London, 21 May 1914 - Violent scenes took place today outside the gates of Buckingham Palace as a group of several hundred suffragettes became involved in an altercation with the police.
There were violent attacks on public buildings and there was an attempt to burn down the grandstand at Kelso racecourse. Some have argued that the Suffragettes gained valuable publicity for the ...
There were violent attacks on public buildings and there was an attempt to burn down the grandstand at Kelso racecourse. Some have argued that the Suffragettes gained valuable publicity for the ...
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