Less than half, or 815 of the 1,737 ex-staff of the defunct National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), will transition to the Social Health Authority (SHA), lawmakers have been told.The Ministry of ...
Appearing before the National Assembly’s Health Committee on Monday, February 10, SHA acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Robert Ingasira revealed that only 815 out of 1,737 NHIF staff will be ...
The Social Health Authority (SHA) has sparked uncertainty among former National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) employees after declaring hundreds of their positions vacant. In an internal memo seen by ...
This follows the Public Service Commission (PSC) approval of a staff establishment of 800 at the Social Health Authority (SHA), significantly lower than the 1,750 personnel inherited from the now ...
Qiuying Sha obtained her BS and MS in Mathematics from Heilongjiang University in 1985 and 1988, respectively. In 1988, she accepted a faculty position in the Department of Mathematics at Heilongjiang ...
Hong Kong racing’s latest brush with Covid-19 set hearts racing at Sha Tin on Sunday, with the Jockey Club forced to remove some of its staff and one of its members from the racecourse.