There are some local fish loved for their fighting spirit and dinner fare. The Spanish mackerel is often overlooked when we have that discussion.
As it turns out, water warms more slowly than air, which explains our water temps still in the shallow end of the 60s ... Billy’s good news, but this is … “Snook are starting to move around ...
Snook anglers and professional fishing guides in South Florida are worried that their favorite gamefish might be harmed by habitat loss, water quality and coastal development in South Florida.
In past years, inshore anglers and captains noticed the average size of caught snook was routinely in the 16- to 24-inch range. They would, of course, catch some bigger linesiders but rarely in the ...
Largemouth bass fishing is picking up in the Tomoka River, with snook also starting to show up in shallow water. Bass fishing is good on Lakes Woodruff and Dexter, while crappie fishing is slowing ...